Thursday, September 12, 2024

Life is never as it seems

 When we think of all the things that happen in life, the most random things that happen and then the things that we make happen, it doesn't make any type of sense. I don't know why people want to take away things from others. I understand that some things are systemic. some are from environmental and well others are just plan selfish. In my opinion life never is quite as it seems. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Life In CoViD-19

So far this pandemic has been nothing short of a roller coaster. With the amount of deaths in the United States and the worse response by far has tons of people in limbo. The unemployment is High. Seemingly people who were not being paid a livable wage before is having a hard time being paid now. Food in the markets are at a high demand, while gas is super low. People are sick from the virus, some are critically ill and dyeing. There has been so much misinformation that has been presented. You can't really find what is true and what is not. There is so much to be learned about the virus in general but even more to be learned from people. 

Unfortunately the normal we had wasn't much normal. Most have spent time in "quarantine". Others have been called to work. And then there are the ones who have not altered there schedules or life one bit. 


Monday, January 27, 2020

RIP Kobe

I grew up watching the Bulls in the Jordan era, and Kobe on the Lakers. It saddens me that 9 people lost their lives in an accident. There is nothing that can ever make the incident any better for the families that have lost love ones. I wanted to say more but I will just leave it at that. RIP to those who have passed.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Kalief Browder and the broken system

As I watch Time: The Kalief Browder Story, my heart aches for the sorrow and pain felt by his family, his mother, and him. I couldn't imagine enduring the hurt from being accused of a crime that I didn't commit, to be incarcerated for that same crime I am not convicted. To be beaten, starved, stabbed and shot for a crime I didn't commit and the subsequent for fortune/infamy I didn't ask for.  Kalief endured it all. Suffered under the system that didn't give him the benefit of the doubt or innocent until proven guilty. He was guilty due to the color of his skin, the time of night out, and simply just because. He wasn't perfect or a saint but he didn't deserve what he was given.

It saddens me to no end how the system works on a "buy in buy out" policy. If you have the money you can get out of almost any situation you want. However, if you are poor or unable to afford bail you are just in. What can we do about a system that was not meant or built for lower income and impoverished to succeed. Nothing changes. The effects are long lasting and sometimes irreversible.

So many questions not enough answers.

Monday, August 21, 2017

We Can do Better

We don’t often want to criticize our own mistakes or take away from our own achievements but the fact is we can always do better. We can make things happen. We can improve on our quality of life. We can get that promotion that we wanted. We can start that business that we always dreamed of. We just have to push a little harder, work a little smarter and we can do better. 

We got this!

Motivate Me Moments