Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Comics: DC The New 52: Suicide Squad Volume 1

The new 52 is looking very promising. I have been a Marvel fan for years and of course a fan of the Superman and Batman stories like most. I have read a few of the others but since everyone has been talking about the Suicide Squad movie that is coming up. So far it is what has been expected of the serious. It is not so much a revamp of all the story lines from its predecessor.

Right out of the gate, you are given the back story of how the squad is assembled but not to much back story that would divert your attention from the action. It comes in bits and pieces throughout the dialog between the characters. Some of the characters are very familiar as they are mainstream and others not so familiar. ( I guess to a new reader of the DC Comics you would only recognize the main streamers.)

One thing I don't quite like is the fact that Harley Quinn is dumbed down. They make her seem less significant on her own as well as a dependent idiot. If you follow her back story you pretty much know she is crazy, quirky, but not stupid, dumb or devoid of common sense. I hope the series gives her a little more depth rather than how she seems now. But of course this is only the first volume and it could be up in the air with Harley. Deadshot portrayal as a uncaring hard ass seems to be spot on and a delight to see. Deadshot's disdain for being forced into completing missions for the government is evident. He feels like it is bullshit that he is stuck doing it but will get the job done to get himself out of further hot water with Waller. I won't go into much detail as i am pretty sure most will read,

Amanda Waller is the catalyst to all things occurring in this world of "heroine" misfits. She sends are team into some really jacked up situations. They never come out unscathed. Waller I am sure has an interesting back story that i hope they explore in this series as well. It would be a great addition to since she engineered and run the Suicide Squad.

The Suicide Squad has other characters that play a significant role as support to Waller and her task but  you find that the comic is able to stand on its own with it having action, plot and crazy. That’s really all you need for it to captivate the masses. I think the revamp of the 52 comics have helped put some focus on DC special the Suicide Squad. I was an avid reader of the Marvel Avengers and liked the premise of the group but like some I just really want the bad guys to win sometimes. With that being said, here's looking to rest of the series.

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