Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Motivate Me Moments #2 - Importance of Physical Health

All over the Internet you will find health tips and remedies for this and that or what you should be doing. You also hear some much about body shaming on both sides of the spectrum, If you are fat or obese or overweight, you hear so many people saying accept it or don't say anything bad about it, don't talk about it. If you are skinny or average weight you hear the opposite. You should gain weight, you're too small, you need meat on your bones. Or you are the perfect picture of health. Essentially no matter how you look someone is going to have something to say about it. I have been on both sides of the spectrum I have been very fit and very over weight at some point in my life so I have had heard both arguments. To me none of this is as important as maintaining a good level of health. Why is it important? If you are healthy, It makes the world of difference. Balance is the key.

I know lots of people who will say if you aren't in the skinny you aren't in the best shape of your life then you are unhealthy, you won't be happy and so forth. I beg to differ I have been at 145 lbs and super sick. Your natural body type is what you should be achieving. Not what looks great but kills you. Same with being overweight. Slowly but surely you can cause your own health issues. Either side of the spectrum can be dangerous if not maintained correctly.

It is beneficial to have balance. A couple of sites that I do like to rely on when I am going through on my health journey are:

Each site has their own advantages. I like to navigate between them when looking for inspiration in dishes to make for dinner or for physical motivation. It gets hard to get motivated but at the same time if you don't motivate you to change how can you expect it to happen.

My last words on this post is Motivate yourself to be the best you want to be. It will not get done if you don't do it. Make a plan stick, Be happy, be healthy, and enjoy life.

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